ECALELF  d6718b6cc30d69f18fde9018c5ae12f9d80bd7a5
ECALELF Documentation

Table of Contents

Shervin Nourbakhsh


The documentation of this packaged is provided in these pages extracted with doxygen from the source code and several txt files contained in the package itself.

Informations for the implementation or re-implementation can be obtained looking the the various header files that will be completed with exaustive documentation (in the future)

If you have doxygen, you can run the command

doxygen fulldoc

from the Calibration/ directory and you can navigate instructions and code locally with

firefox doc/doxygen/fulldoc/html/index.html 

Getting Started

Requirements before start


Download instructions

Name conventions in ECALELF

How to work with ECALELF ntuples

scales and smearings

Energy scale and smearings application

rereco and validations

Instructions for ECAL validator: