ECALELF  d6718b6cc30d69f18fde9018c5ae12f9d80bd7a5
AlCaReco Production from AlCaRaw

AlCaReco centrally produced have a bug, you need to run a reReco of the AlCaRaw with the Prompt GT: How to find the Prompt GT

Then follow the instructions for a rereco using as tag_name the name of the GT: Rereco production

Tips and tricks

Case: you are producing alcareco and ntuples in the same job. You don't want to wait till the completion of all the alcareco jobs and want to start using the ntuples with ~90% of the jobs completed. In order to allow the following steps of the –check option, you should add manually a fine in the crab config directory:

touch prod_alcareco/DYJets_amctnlo-RunIISpring15DR74-Asym50ns-v2/allRange/res/finished

At this point the ntuples will be merged and moved. You need to remove the file if you want then to proceed with the normal checks and resubmission of failing jobs