The calibration with electrons (single and double electron samples) is performed using the alcareco data format that contains only relevant collections for the ECAL calibration with electrons.
- EcalUncalElectron (ALCARAW): Special data format for rereco purpose
- officially produced starting from CMSSW_8_0_X release
- re-recoing ALCARAW you get a variant of the ALCARECO that is named ALCARERECO
- EcalCalElectron (ALCARECO): Reduced format for RECO data
- can be produced from ALCARAW (default and recommended!)
- this is the stardard format after rereco of data using ECALELF (starting from ALCARAW)
- can be produced starting from RECO or AOD formats
- MINIAOD (for monitoring, scales & smearings)