ECALELF  d6718b6cc30d69f18fde9018c5ae12f9d80bd7a5
Ntuple production

Ntuples are produced starting from:

For more informations about the difference between the dataformats see Dataformats

All commands should be executed from the Calibration/EcalAlCaRecoProducers directory.

  • File with list of datasets, run ranges, location: alcareco_datasets.dat or alcarereco_datasets.dat For more information about the files see Config files
  • json file (needed only for data)

Name conventions in ECALELF Convention for json name

# Ntuple production The production is done by the



For details about options, type

./scripts/ --help 
Example for production from MINIAOD
./scripts/ ` alcarereco_datasets.dat | grep {string to select your dataset}` --type=MINIAOD --json_name=<json_name> --json=<jsonfile.txt> 

For MC you don't need the json related options but you need


By default only the "selected" ntuples is created. If you want any of the additional ntuples:


Sometimes a fix in the ntuple producer needs to be tracked giving different names to the ntuples produced from the same dataset and with the same json. The option


can be used

Step-by-step guide for production from MINIAOD

  1. fill the datasets in alcareco_data if not yet there
  2. find the latest json file
  3. define the right "json name" for the json as indicated in the Name conventions in ECALELF
  4. use CRAB3 to make the production
  5. run the script with the right options


Better to use the quick script, but if you want to process only one specific dataset:

./scripts/ ` alcarereco_datasets.dat | grep {string to select your dataset}` --type=ALCARERECO