Di-electron events are selected using a short special syntax defined in this class.
In order to work with ECALELF ntuples you should move to the Calibration/ZFitter directory. Now on the paths are relative to the Calibration/ZFitter directory.
There are three important directories where the proper .dat files should be put:
contains files that define a set of run ranges in order to perform the fits for the stability plots. The default one to be used is data/runRanges/monitoring.dat
The syntax is the following:
#runMin-runMax nEvents timeStampMin-timeStampMax 190645-190781 28734 1333819264-1333983242 190782-191042 24007 1334023525-1334188134
The second and third column are optional.
For more information on how to produce automatically the runRanges .dat files see: How to produce runRanges .dat files
This config file contains the list of files to run on, the files containing the PU histograms for the PU reweighting and all the other files needed. The main idea in the ECALELF framework is to have a minimum set of variables in very small trees (the tree name is "selected"), while additional branches can be produced and added if needed as tree friends. The advantage is the possibility to produce ntuples for a larger set of studies with small specific trees for each of them.
The file is structured in 3 columns: tag, treeName and filePath as in the follows:
# commented lines # tag treeName file s1 selected root://eoscms//eos/..../file.root s2 selected root://eoscms//eos/..../file.root d1 selected root://eoscms//eos/..../file.root d pileupHist /afs/ s pileupHist /afs/
The first column (tag) indicates if this file is signal MC (s), background MC (b), or data (d).
The single samples are indicated by a number (s1, s2, etc., d1, d2, etc.)
The second column (treeName) is the name of the tree in the file
The third column (filePath) is the full path of the file files with the same tag and the same treeName are put in the same chain files with the same tag but different treeName are added as friends
For each tag (e.g. s1) one can have multiple chains with different treeName (e.g. selected, pileup, r9Weight, etc.), a chain with treeName=="selected" is mandatory since it is the main tree, all the other chains are considered as friends of the "selected".
Please see the dedicated page Generating PU weight files
In the config file the pileupHist must be indicated. When running the ZFitter.exe it will automatically calculate the weights and create the additional ntuples in the
directory. To just produce the ntuples:
It's sufficient to copy them from the tmp/ directory to another directory and to add them to the config file. Usually the pileupHist and pileup tree are put in the following directory:
The tree name of the pileup weight files is pileup:
The pileupHist root files should be generated as indicated in Generating PU weight files
The idea is to produce a file with the run ranges with 100k Zee events (to have enough statistics in the EE), but taking into account also that some run ranges should not be between to TSs or two era (RUN A and B).
The run ranges:
The ZFitter.exe options are: