PU weights can be generated following the official recipe or by the "quick and dirty" reweight using the reconstructed number of primary vertices (nPV)
In both cases what is needed is:
The files with the PU distributions should be added to the config file used by ZFitter (for more info about the config files see Config files syntax and generation)
The MC distribution is the true PU distribution defined in the PU scenario during the MC generation. There is a python config file in CMSSW that contains the values. The files can be found in
Make sure you pick up the right file matching the PU scenario used in your MC.
The MC pileup histograms should be put on EOS in the calibration project directory:
To generate this MC Pileup root file:
cd $CMSSW_BASE/Calibration/ZFitter/; python script/ PileupCFI=mix_2016_25ns_SpringMC_PUScenarioV1_PoissonOOTPU_cfi output=PUSpring16-nPUtrue.root
scenario | python file | pileupHist root file |
PUSpring16 | | PUSpring16-nPUtrue.root |
PUMoriond17 | | PUMoriond17-nPUtrue.root |
Instructions can be found in PileupJSONFileforData
In summary you need:
To generate the root file with the pileup histogram:
JSONFILE=/afs/ PileUpJSON=/afs/ OUTPUTFILE=271036-284044_23Sept_v1-nPUtrue.root -i $JSONFILE --inputLumiJSON $PileUpJSON --calcMode true --minBiasXsec 69200 --maxPileupBin 50 --numPileupBins 50 $OUTPUTFILE
The pileup histograms can simply be histograms of the nPV branch for data and MC. CAVEAT: the nPV is biased by the selection used in your sample, to reduce the data/MC difference, please apply the full selection of your analysis.
The name of the tree in the config file has to contain the string "nPV":
s pileupHist_nPV file.root
The files containing the histograms for the PU reweight are indicated with pileupHist as treeName and they are treated in a different way. There must be only one pileupHist for d and one for s, then the program calculates the weights for the MC, produces a temporary file with just one tree containing the weights (pileupTree) and it is added as friend to the chain of MC. You can also provide directly the "temporary" root file indicating s pileupTree file.root