Di-electron events are selected using a short special syntax defined in this class.
#include <Calibration/ZFitter/src/ElectronCategory_class.cc>
TCut | GetCut (TString region, bool isMC, int nEle=0, bool corrEle=false) |
| Returns the TCut correspoding to the categories.
std::set< TString > | GetBranchNameNtuple (TString region) |
| returns the list of the branch names used by the cuts
std::vector< TString > | GetBranchNameNtupleVec (TString region) |
| returns a vector for PyROOT
Di-electron events are selected using a short special syntax defined in this class.
One di-electron category is difined by a series of cuts to be applied to both electrons
- Syntax:
- '-' is the cut separator
es. <cut1>-<cut2>-<cut3>
es. EB-absEta_0_1-gold:
three cuts are applied:
- EB -> no parameters,
- absEta_0_1 -> two parameters 0 and 1 (parameters are separated by _,
- gold -> no parameters
- List of possible cuts without parameter: EB EE EB_EE EBp (EB+) EBm (EB-) EE EEp EEm RefReg
- List of possible cuts with 1 parameter:
- Et_X: Et_
- eleID_X: eleID == X
- gainEle_X: 12, 6, 1, 6and1
- List of possible cuts with 2 parameters:
ATTENTION! Same syntax but different meaning!
- runNumber_X_Y: X <= runNumber <= Y
- IEta_X_Y: X <= ieta (or iX) <= Y
- absIEta_X_Y: X <= abs(ieta) <= Y
- distIEta_X_Y: X-Y <= ieta <= X+Y
- absEta_X_Y: X <= |eta| < Y
- energySC_X_Y: X <= energySCEle < Y
- nPV_X_Y: X <= nPV < Y
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- ZFitter/interface/ElectronCategory_class.hh
- ZFitter/src/ElectronCategory_class.cc