ECALELF  d6718b6cc30d69f18fde9018c5ae12f9d80bd7a5
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ZNtupleDumper Class Reference

Zee and E/p ntuple dumper from patElectrons. More...

#include <Calibration/ZNtupleDumper/src/>

Inherits EDAnalyzer.

Private Member Functions

float GetESPlaneRawEnergy (const reco::SuperCluster &sc, unsigned int planeIndex)

Private Attributes

bool doExtraCalibTree
 bool to activate the dump of the extra calib tree for E/p ICs
bool doExtraStudyTree
 bool to activate the dump of the extra tree for study with values for single recHits
bool doEleIDTree
 bool to activate the dump of the electronID variables in a separate tree
UInt_t runNumber
 run number
UShort_t lumiBlock
 lumi section
Long64_t eventNumber
 event number
UInt_t eventTime
 unix time of the event
UShort_t nBX
 bunch crossing
Float_t mcGenWeight
 weight in generator for MC
std::vector< std::string > HLTNames [1]
 List of HLT names.
std::vector< Bool_t > HLTResults [1]
 0 = fail, 1=fire
Bool_t HLTfire
 true if pass the triggers indicated by hltPaths in cfg
Float_t rho
 rho fast jet
UChar_t nPV
UChar_t nPU
 number of PU (filled only for MC)
UInt_t eleID [3] = {0,0,0}
 bit mask for eleID: 1=fiducial, 2=loose, 6=medium, 14=tight, 16=WP90PU, 48=WP80PU, 112=WP70PU, 128=loose25nsRun2, 384=medium25nsRun2, 896=tight25nsRun2, 1024=loose50nsRun2, 3072=medium50nsRun2, 7168=tight50nsRun2. Selection from
Short_t chargeEle [3] = {-100,-100,-100}
 -100: no electron, 0: SC or photon, -1 or +1:electron or muon //Char_t is interpreted as char and not as integer
UChar_t recoFlagsEle [3] = {0,0,0}
 1=trackerDriven, 2=ecalDriven only, 3=tracker and ecal driven
Float_t phiEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 phi of the electron (electron object)
Float_t R9Ele [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
Float_t phiSCEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 phi of the SC
Short_t xSeedSC [3] = {0,0,0}
 ieta(ix) of the SC seed in EB(EE)
Short_t ySeedSC [3] = {0,0,0}
 iphi(iy) of the SC seed in EB(EE)
UChar_t gainSeedSC [3] = {0,0,0}
 Gain switch 0==gain12, 1==gain6, 2==gain1; gain status of the seed of the SC.
Float_t energySeedSC [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 energy of the rechit seeding the SC
Float_t timeSeedSC [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 time of the rechit seeding the SC
Float_t laserSeedSC [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 laser correction of the SC seed crystal
Float_t alphaSeedSC [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 alpha of the seed
Float_t slewRateDeltaESeed [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 slew rate correction for seed crystal energy
Float_t energyEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}, not changed by rereco
Float_t rawEnergySCEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 SC energy without cluster corrections.
Float_t energy_ECAL_ele [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 ele-tuned regression energy: mustache for rereco and correctedEcalEnergy for official reco
Float_t energy_ECAL_pho [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 pho-tuned regression energy: mustache for rereco and correctedEcalEnergy for official reco
Float_t energyUncertainty_ECAL_ele [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 ele-tuned regression energy: mustache for rereco and correctedEcalEnergy for official reco
Float_t energyUncertainty_ECAL_pho [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 pho-tuned regression energy: mustache for rereco and correctedEcalEnergy for official reco
Float_t esEnergySCEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 pre-shower energy associated to the electron
Float_t esEnergyPlane1SCEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 energy associate to the electron in the first plane of ES
Float_t esEnergyPlane2SCEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 energy associate to the electron in the second plane of ES
Float_t rawESEnergyPlane1SCEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 pre-shower rechit energy sum of Plane 1 associated to the electron
Float_t rawESEnergyPlane2SCEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 pre-shower recHit energy sum of Plane 2 associated to the electron
Float_t energy_5x5SC [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 sum of the recHit energy in 5x5 matrix centered at the seed of the SC
Float_t eBCseedEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 energy of the basic cluster seeding the SC
Float_t pModeGsfEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 track momentum from Gsf Track (mode)
Float_t pAtVtxGsfEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 momentum estimated at the vertex
Float_t trackMomentumErrorEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 track momentum error from standard electron method
Float_t pNormalizedChi2Ele [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 track normalized chi2 of the fit (GSF)
Float_t invMass_ECAL_ele
 invariant mass using ECAL energy, this is mustache ele-tuned regression if rereco, and correctedEcalEnergy if official reco
Float_t invMass_ECAL_pho
 invariant mass using ECAL energy, this is mustache pho-tuned regression if rereco, and correctedEcalEnergy if official reco
Float_t energyMCEle [3] = {-999.,-999.,-999.}
 Electron MC true energy.

Detailed Description

Zee and E/p ntuple dumper from patElectrons.

Shervin Nourbakhsh Description: Zee and E/p ntuple dumper from patElectrons

Member Function Documentation

float ZNtupleDumper::GetESPlaneRawEnergy ( const reco::SuperCluster &  sc,
unsigned int  planeIndex 
highly inefficient: instead of the loop over the recHits should use a ->find() method, it should return both energies of both planes

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