ECALELF  d6718b6cc30d69f18fde9018c5ae12f9d80bd7a5
anyVar_class Member List

This is the complete list of members for anyVar_class, including all inherited members.

anyVar_class(TChain *data_chain_, std::vector< std::string > branchNames, ElectronCategory_class &cutter, std::string massBranchName, std::string outDirFitRes, TDirectory *dir, bool updateOnly=true)anyVar_class
Import(TString commonCut, TString eleID_, std::set< TString > &branchList, unsigned int modulo=1)anyVar_class
ImportTree(TChain *chain, TCut &commonCut, std::set< TString > &commonCutBranches, std::set< TString > &branchList, unsigned int modulo)anyVar_classprivate
TreeAnalyzeShervin(std::string region, TCut cut_ele1, TCut cut_ele2, float scale=1., float smearing=0.)anyVar_class
TreeToTree(TChain *chain, std::set< TString > &branchList, unsigned int modulo=0)anyVar_classprivate