for the E/p calibration, run with: (from the ZFitter directory)
ZFitter.exe -f data/validation/EoverPcalibration.dat --EOverPCalib --doEB
- inputFileDeadXtal= Add dead Channel to evaluate the effect on the IC
- isMiscalib = Miscalibration 5% option
- isSaveEPDistribution = save E/p pdf
- isEPselection = apply E/p selection setted in the .cc
- isR9selection = apply R9 selection > 0.9
- isMCTruth = use calibration E/E_{Truth}
- outputFile = output file
- numberOfEvents = -1 (all statistic)
- useZ = 1 (use Z event) 0 (no Z event in IC procedure)
- useW = 1 (use W event) 0 (no W event in IC procedure)
- splitStat = 1 (split odd and even event) 0 (no split)
- nLoops = number of L3 iteration
- doEB: only barrel
- doEE: only endcaps